23 thoughts on “Worst Referee Call I’ve Ever Seen

  1. Soon as that net comes off the Moorings, whatever happens afterward doesn’t count… Geez, not only do they screw up Interference calls (which is too broad of a rule anyway), but they blow this blatant one too.

  2. @whoisstingy If the net is taken off, As the shot was already taken, meaning in mid “flight” and it goes in where it would have with the net in place, Its a goal if the net was taken off accidently.
    Go read the rules.

    Wtf is up with you and glue?

  3. @x30xSabresFan you’re on glue, are you a house league official?….A shot is taken from the other end of the ice and then the net is pushed into the corner, according to you, if the puck crosses the goal line where the net would have been it’s a goal??? You must be on glue

  4. @djshibbz If the net comes off of the posts, and the shot was already taken, and the puck goes past the goal line, where it would of been “legal” if the net was there, its a Goal.
    I remember that because I ref as a job (Canada is where Good payment is btw)

  5. @djshibbz If the net comes off of the posts, and the shot was already taken, and the puck goes past the goal line, where it would of been “legal” if the net was there, its a Goal.
    I remember that because I ref as a job (Canada is where Good payment is btw)

  6. @x30xSabresFan But, if and when the net is removed from its holders and original position the play is imediatly blown dead even if the puck, “was” going to go in, it must be in.

  7. Ok, just so everyone knows, the puck was going in either way, if the net was off or not, the rule states that.
    Thanks 🙂

  8. Here is why the goal counted for all you people who really don’t know the rules. YES the net came off… we can all see that however he had beat the goaltender any way and shot the puck before the puck cross the goal line. GOOD GOAL!

  9. @xlxRAPT0Rxlx that was a terribly blown call you are correct that a goal can be awarded but only if the goal is displaced by the defending player, in this case the individual taking the shot is the one who disloged the net and therefore it is a no goal

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